Email Elder Davis at:


Guatemala Retalhuleu Mission

Iglesia Mormona, Boulevard Centenario

Salida a Coatepeque,Zona 2,Apt Postal 26



Monday, June 12, 2017

One Wet Week

This week was a wet one, it's just proof that rainy season is here. It was raining all day and all night for almost two days this week and the other days also saw their spouts of downpour. Whereas I now only have one pair of shoes, I have had to simply deal with wearing wet shoes for the last few day; in this humidity things take their sweet time drying out.

Right now we are working with some very cool people that I believe are going to be great converts! We were even able to get six of them to church on Sunday. One of these is a 16 year-old girl named Carla, she has had a lot of very good experiences in church and has hit it off very well with some of the other young women of the ward that are from the area where she lives. She is planning on being baptized the 23rd and is very excited about it.

We had a rough time finding new people this week because of the rain, but... ni modo... I remember that in my first weeks in the mission I thought that contacting in the rain would be productive , because I believed that the people would pity us and let us into their homes, but that is sadly not the case, on the contrary, I believe they like watching gringos walk around soaked.

Well another week in the glory has gone by, every day my love for this gospel and God's children grows. I know the church is true.

Love ya bunches

-Elder Davis

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