With Elder Figueroa |
An average Guatemalan Dog... that somehow got into our house |
The past week was full of trips and sickness for the mission. Here in San Marcos we had to go to Malacatan for a multi-zone conference, and the leaders had to go to Reu as well. The conference was on Wednesday and was very inspiring. We were also fed a delicious lunch ...which made EVERYONE present sick. The best part was that 2 other elders and I had to travel 4 hours on a bumpy road in a crowded bus the next day, and we all had severe diarrhea. It was honestly miserable, nonetheless I managed to return to San Marcos with the same pair of pants! There is the week for you all. Yet, in spite of all of that I was able to learn a lot in the reuniones that were had.
An interesting experience was had as well this week. We were chopping wood for a lady in the Branch, when I heard a man yell, "¿Esta ser Tu Casa?, in a thick British accent. I turned around to see who had spoken and saw, standing in the street bare-foot, a tall skinny blonde man. I walked over to greet him and he told me that he had been in Central America for several year teaching the people that you can purify water with love alone... He actually did have some interesting evidence, but it was weird nonetheless. We later walked to the market where we parted ways. I had offered him a pair of shoes that were left by some past missionary in our house, but he told us that he didn't like to wear shoes.
Marcos should finally be getting baptized soon, he already has attended church 6 times and is planning on going to the temple on Saturday with the youth. The hard thing is that his family members don't receive us. Satan is also working hard to make sure he doesn't feel the spirit, whether it be horror movies, arguing parents, or obnoxios youth members, there is also ways something that distracts him when we are trying to teach him. Yet he is pilas and has the desire; he will do it by the end of the month.
Thanks for your love and support, Sigan brillando aun mas! - Elder Davis