Jenna, There is a Mexican version of you in my zone...
I am really liking my new area. My companion is incredibly frustrating but I am working on it... The other latinos living in my house make fun of me a lot because I want to be obedient. They call me "flechon" meaning arrow, its offensive to most, for reasons that I don't understand. I am committed to stay obedient with all diligence. Many potentially good missionaries give up on their tough companions and fall into the bad habits their companions. Yet I am really hitting it off with the "catracho" (Honduranio) in our house. He isn't very obedient, but at least he works. The mission is teaching me new things all the time, often times in difficult ways. I am really not good at being direct with people, especially people that I have to spend 24 hours a day with. Yet I am improving. I have to if I don't want to waste my precious time as the Lords servant.
This Sunday we ate at the President of the Rama's house. The food was good and the company was even better. I love Guatemala, I am making a lot of friends here. A large number of the people here in my new area speak quiche, I love to hear the native languages. Part of me wants to pick some of it up, but I am still struggling with Spanish. I have fantasized about teaching some of the lessons in quiche, because some here don't speak Spanish... but it is just a fantasy.
I am not sure why exactly, maybe its from all the time on the farm, but almost all of the really people here are absolutely nuts...almost daily I am grabbed by old men that moan at me, tell me strange stories, or disrobe and ask for money. The same goes for drunks... they are everywhere, and find the strangest places to sleep. Luckily the majority of them aren't violent, the just say/do strange things really close to your face... I hate the smell of beer. At least I get lots of free hugs. It is rough to see the ones who really are hating life, their blank stares and quick swigs are some of the most depressing things I have seen thus far in the mission. Conclusion: Alcohol is for people who want to become like small children again rather than grow up and face real life.
Their is some really beautiful countryside around my area, I especially love to see the Ceiba trees (Maya Tree of life...) they are breathtaking. Something weird about my new area... It is called the land of witches... Witchcraft is common here and practiced by a good chunk of people. My companion told me about a temple that was on a contacts property. He told me he showed up as they were performing some ritual, complete with burning stuff, shaking people, and a barfing woman... I am a little scared of that part of the area now as you can imagine.
Well I am doing good, eating good fruit, meeting great people, and learning a lot. I am still healthy and the Spanish is better all of the time. It has been a lot of fun learning Spanish and it is and interesting feeling to speak another language. I am studying my butt off, and learning a lot. My testimony is stronger than ever an the spirit is strong. The church is true, its as simple as that. I loved the talk by President Uchtdorf that to be a disciple doesn't need to be complicated... The gospel is the most simple wonder there is, and it is for everyone. It is for the scholars and the peddlers, the poor and the rich, the sinners and the saints, the old and the young, the weak and the strong, and you. Because of the infinite love of Christ and the power of his atonement there is literally no-one that lies out of reach of its blessing, whether it be in this life or in eternity. If there is one thing I have learned thus far in Guatemala is that anyone can change... I love you all, thanks for all of the support. -Elder Davis
P.S. Shout out to my lovely hermanita Emrie Grace, Feliz CompeaƱos! I am excited to see pictures of your baptism and hear about your success with dance. I love you!